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Bond Investors
Prospect Medical Holdings, Inc. is privately held and does not make its financial information available to the public.  Prospect has outstanding $151.8 million of senior notes due 2014.  The notes are not subject to the registration requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.  However, Prospect makes quarterly and annual reports available to holders of the notes, prospective investors in the notes and certain securities analysts.
If you are a note holder, prospective investor in the notes or securities analyst and you have already received your login information, please Click Here to access our reports.

For note holders, prospective investors in the notes and securities analysts who would like to access our reports to note holders but have not yet received login information, please contact us at the following contact information:

Mike Heather, CFO
Prospect Medical Holdings, Inc.
1920 East 17th Street, Suite 200
Santa Ana, CA 92705